Your library at Greenhill is run by volunteers and we have opportunities for you to become part of our successful team. Volunteering is fun, rewarding, and a great way to meet new people. Most of our volunteers only work for one session a week so we are not necessarily looking for a huge commitment of time. You can apply on-line using the form below, or you can call in at the library and complete a paper form. Alternatively, send an email to volunteering@greenhill-library.org and we’ll get back to you. We regret that due to staffing limitations we are at the moment unable to offer volunteering opportunities to young people
Situations Vacant
We are currently looking for people to fill the following roles. If you have an idea for a specific project or event that you would like to work on, which isn’t listed here, send an email to volunteering@greenhill-library.org
In this role you’ll be helping to maintain the upkeep of library. Duties include hoovering, mopping, cleaning, dusting and general housekeeping duties. Working in a fun and friendly team you’d work for about 1 hour from 8:30 to 9:30 AM or 5.00 to 6.00 PM. Currently we are keen to hear from anyone interested in doing Monday or Wednesday mornings. Even if you could only do one session per fortnight that would be welcome.
Session Leader
Session leaders are library assistants with additional responsibilities — they have overall responsibility for the operation of the library service during their allocated library session. Duties include issuing and discharging library books, registering new patrons, dealing with enquiries from the public, managing use of our public computers, and opening/locking the library. You would be supported by a minimum of two library assistants and would receive training in library operations including the use of our computer-based library management systems.
Fundraising Team Member
The future of Greenhill Community Library depends on our continuing success in obtaining money from charities and other funding and grant-awarding organisations. We are looking for someone to contribute to our fundraising efforts by joining our team to assist with formulation of applications to the various funding sources that are available to us, and to identify and exploit new ways of raising money.
The key activities would be to:
- interact productively with our existing fundraising team
- develop the relevant expertise required to play a significant role in planning and completing grant applications
- help to identify potential donors including individuals, local businesses and other organisations
- help to refine strategies for fundraising and to initiate fundraising activities as appropriate
We’re seeking an enthusiastic volunteer with a willingness to learn and to make a significant contribution. Some experience of preparing, submitting and monitoring funding bids for small organisations would be welcome of course, but it is certainly not essential. Good written and oral communication skills, interpersonal skills and a familiarity with computer office applications are needed of course.
If you are interested in volunteering you can apply on-line right here, using the form below