In February and March 2019 we ran a user survey, collecting input with a combination of paper-based and web-based forms. We received a total of 134 replies. Many thanks to our resident statistician, Liz Coates, for processing the results. First, here’s the original survey form:

Here are the answers to the question “How likely would you be to use the library during extended (Saturday afternoon) opening hours?

Here are the “satisfaction scores” for the ten services listed on the survey. A score of 1 is the lowest satisfaction, 5 is the highest. We suspect the “1” scores that appear here are from respondents who thought the scale was the other way round, but we’ve left them in. You can click on the individual images to see them full-size. The average scores give a simple way of comparing the levels of satisfaction.
Also included here are the results of the question “Were you aware that you can reserve a book from any Sheffield library at Greenhill?” and the question “Which of these forms of library publicity do you make use of?”
Here’s a scatter-plot of the 108 valid postcodes returned on the survey forms, excluding a couple of outliers.

Finally, here are the responses to the two free text entry questions. Numbers in brackets indicate that several people made the same suggestion.
Question 4 asked:
Please tell us about any genres of books (or particular authors) you would like to see more of in the library (e.g. crime, fantasy, biography, history, travel, children’s books etc)
Fiction could be extended(2)
Scandi fiction, modern fiction, Fantasy, Historical novels, Science fiction, horror,
Classics e.g.Canterbury Tales. Just more new books – especially general fiction
Travel section (7)
OS maps. Do you have them?
Travel guides
Biography(9) & History(9), Current affairs/politics, Autobiography(2)
Personal life stories & mind books (meditation)
Music books please (lyrics, chords etc)
Family sagas , chic lit books, Not so much chicklit.
Showcase of multinational children’s books. Better ethnic representation. Would like more about police/fire/ambulance
The choice in the Junior Section is very good. Plenty of choice and doesn’t get exhausted
Teenager books(2)
Crime(6), Thrillers(2)
Latest releases, New Books
Science(3), Maths, Economics. Computer self-learning. The quality and range of science/popular science is very poor.
Nursing studies or more health related books, as I am doing a ‘Return to Nursing’ course.
Health Books (Pregnancy, Science, Mental Health). Mental health books – all age groups
Cookery especially vegan, vegetarian & Japanese
Sewing and dressmaking
Oliver Jeffers(2), Morag Hood(2)
James Patterson, Milly Johnson & Stephen King, Catherine Cookson(2)/Mary Wood/Julia Donaldson J.G.Ballard
More Julia Donaldson books (by Daniel age six)
I think you already have an excellent selection of books, so cannot think of any gaps.
I am happy with the selection of books. Has everything I look for!
Question 5 asked:
Is there anything we could do better, or any new initiative you would like to see ?
(A few of the suggestions are for things we already do!)
Talks on Fridays could sometimes be of wider, not just of local interest.
Put some chairs near to the bookshelves.
Have one computer bookable for a short stay (e.g.15 minutes)
Love this library! Already amazing!
You are all doing an excellent job and choice of talks and film shows are very good. We use the ‘disabled parking spaces’ too. Keep up the good work – it is appreciated.
Stock rotation in bookshop, Quiz night perhaps.
I would like to point out how much I value the computer class. I also enjoy the coffee and see many people I know. I also get my hearing aid batteries!
Maybe display themed round the big book prizes
Maybe a poster about how to find stock that’s at other libraries ?
More for pre school over the week. Always on same days. Also every week, as difficult to remember alternate days or once a month pre-school events. Overall you are wonderful.
Screens and windows to stop sun glare.
Do you have a Book Club or a writing group?
Offer facilities like tea/coffee and a bit more activities & to pay £1.00 instead of £1.50 if you’re a guest, but wouldn’t change that much. The staff are really good, reliable, friendly, give good advice. This is my favourite library because the workers make a library.
Practically perfect in every way!
I think the staff are doing an amazing job. We love the library!
I think the library has improved beyond recognition since the volunteers took over.
Jigsaws on display to choose and take away – no time limit or signing out, as the Dronfield Library do.
It’s a bit noisy in the library. A bit difficult to concentrate considering the level of noise.
Groups or classes such as meditation classes or 1-to-1 talking sessions about any worries you may have, focusing on a particular subject
Extend Saturday opening times. Will be useful for those who work Mon-Fri. Thanks. Longer opening hours e.g. Tues & Thurs
Just more of what you are already providing.
No. Everything excellent.
Very happy with the sources here.