Friday 14 June at 7.30
An evening of traditional and contemporary folk music
Back by popular demand, our line up for this evening includes:
- Judy Dunlop, a member of the Albion Band in the early 1990s, and still one of British folk music’s top vocalists. Accompanied by Jon Scaife on guitar.
- Peter Burnett, providing his own inimitable take on folk singing
- Pete Garratt, Ken Atkinson and Geoff Heppell providing solo and three-part harmony singing along with stunning accompaniment
- The Offshoot Band Jon Scaife, Charlie Smallwood and Geof Trend playing ceilidh music on lots of strings — their mandolin pieces a delight to hear. Between them they’ve recorded over a dozen albums and performed in Western Europe, America and Asia
- Our artists this year weill also be joined by a further outstanding singer, Steve Thomason

Tickets go on sale at the library on Friday 17 May, priced at £10 which includes a glass of wine. You can watch a video of last year’s event on youtube here.