By adminJuly 20, 2019Category: Old Posts The first two all-correct entries submitted will win this fun Marauder's Map complete with magic UV wand. Web Site What is the name of Albus Dumbledore's brother? What is the lowest grade in an "OWL" exam, indicated by the letter "T" What is the name of the Hogwart’s poltergeist? Which school did Vernon Dursley (and later Dudley) attend? What species of dragon does Hagrid hatch from an egg? Ron’s rat Scabbers is the Animagus form of which character? Who is the landlady of “The Three Broomsticks” in Hogsmead? What subject did Professor Vector teach? In which village did the Weasleys live? What was the profession of Hermione’s parents? Would you like to take part in our Harry Potter Quiz Night on 10 August? (Please select * Yes No Please provide us with a phone number and/or an email address so that we can contact you * We won't use your contact information for any other purpose