Saturday 14 December, 10am to 3pm
With singing from local school choirs plus our very own Greenhill Songsters, storytelling, a cake stall, refreshments, mulled wine, a lucky dip, and competitions, there’s something for all the family at our special day. The timetable looks like this:
- 10.00 Event opens
- 10.30 Storytelling with Suzi Hithersay
- 11.15 Greenhill School Choir
- 12.00 Storytelling with Suzi Hithersay
- 12.45 Abbey Lane School Choir
- 1.15 Greenhill songsters
- 2.00 Lowedges School Choir
Mums dads and kids — don’t miss our scrapbox challenge: make us a Christmas Tree from scrap materials!
The library will be decorated for Christmas; library services and the bookshop will be open all day. There is even an unconfirmed rumour that Father Christmas may visit in the afternoon.
Come and join us for a great family day!