Feb 12th 2020 – Our first day of operation at Lowedges
Meet Akin … one of our newest volunteers, who will be working regularly in the new library. Akin comes to us with experience of working in other libraries around Sheffield, notably Firth Park, where he was “Children’s Champion” for three years.
Our thanks also to Lucy, Ann, Patrick, Wendy, and the others who have worked hard to turn our vision of a library in Lowedges into reality.

One of the first families to visit us. This was taken just before we received a wonderfully chaotic deluge of children and young mums after school finished. Altogether we signed up 13 new members.
This young reader was keen to get stuck straight in.

The library will be open from 2pm – 5pm each Wednesday and 10am – 1pm each Thursday. Come and visit us in the Lowedges Community Centre (near the top entrance to Greenhill Park).