Category: Old Posts

Folk Music Evening

On Friday 16 June 2017 the library hosted a group of talented folk who presented an evening of traditional and contemporary folk music to a “capacity crowd”. We’re grateful to all those who performed, giving their time free of charge and raising £250 for the library — not to mention providing an enjoyable evening. There’s a short video of the evening here.

The quilt of the book


A group of library users, mostly first-time quilters, under the watchful eye of Lynne Brown, created a series of mini-quilts each representing a favourite book. You can see the results on our photo gallery page here, or you can come in to the library and see the originals. Lynne will be running more introductory quilting classes in the summer. If you would like to enroll, send her an email at

Local History Books now available for loan

People holding books in the library.

Thanks to Lesley Fox and the Greenhill Village History Society, our new collection of local history books is now available for loan. Pictured here at their recent open meeting are Lesley, councillors Andy Nash and Richard Shaw, and other members of the society, with a few of the books, many of which have been purchased from an award from the Ward Pot.

Readathon 2017

Children sitting around a storyteller.Our Readathon event combined storytelling with craft — all themed around every child’s favourite role model: Horrid Henry. Thanks to Mike, Gill and Patrick for the stories, and Lynne + helpers for the crafts. See more here.

Funding Announcement

MoneyWe’re delighted to announce that Sheffield City Council have agreed to continue funding the volunteer libraries for a further three years after our present agreement runs out in March 2017. Funding for 2017/2018 will remain at its present level, reducing to 80% and 70% in years 2 and 3 (although it is not clear how this reduction will be split across the libraries). Also, provision of the Library Management System, the “People’s Network” and other IT infrastructure will continue to be provided free of charge at least until 2019 when the council’s current contract with IT provider Capita expires. There’s also provision for a “grant pot” and money for buying new books.

This is obviously great news and a huge encouragement. It recognises the fantastic work that the volunteers at the 11 associate libraries across Sheffield have done over the last two years, and gives us real hope of building our own community presence and fundraising program to ensure our financial viability in the longer term.

Halting the decline


The blue line shows quarterly book issue figures for Greenhill Library. The regular seasonal variation (it peaks every summer) makes it hard to see the underlying trend. The red line is a 4-point moving average which smooths out the seasonal highs and lows. You’ll see that from early 2015 (a few months after the volunteers took over) the downward trend is halted, and even slightly reversed. These figures are for children’s books. Adult issues show less seasonal variation but the overall trend is the same. We must be doing something right!

(Thanks to Liz Coates for this)

Farmers Market 27 November

QuartetOur Farmers’ and Artisan market on 27 November 2016 raised £1100 towards Library funds. Thanks to all who took part, especially those hardy outdoor traders who braved a chilly (though bright) afternoon. Thanks also to The Beekeepers and The Gamebirds, who provided us with live music throughout. There are more photos on the gallery page. Our next market is on 2 April.

Live Project Vision Document

Here for your enjoyment is the complete vision document produced by the student team from the School of Architecture as the primary output of their recently-completed Live Project. It provides an inspirational view of how our library might develop into a fully-fledged community hub. Download the PDF here. (Warning: it’s quite long!)

Pop-Up Cinema on Saturday 22 Oct


Some 70 people turned out to brave the cold and watch “Jungle Book” at our outdoor pop-up cinema which was organised by postgraduate students from Sheffield University School of Architecture as part of their “Live Project” collaboration with the library.